Conference Presentations

1. ENT Update – From Tonsillectomy to Cochlear Implants. 22nd Congress of the Pancyprian Pediatric Society. Nicosia, 16-17/11/2019
2. Pediatric Hearing Loss – Surgical Treatment. Annual Meeting of the Cyprus Society of Otolaryngology, Ayia Napa, 3/11/2019
3. Medical Residency in Germany. 3rd Annual Pancyprian Conference of the Cyprus Medical Students’ Association – CYMSA, Nicosia, 2-3/11/2019
4. Congenital Cholesteatoma. 20th Panhellenic Congress of Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Larisa, 24-27/10/2019
5. Otitis media – Round table discussion. 27th Panhellenic Congress of Otology – Audiology – Neurootology. Rethymno, 7-9/6/2019
6. Surgical Treatment of Hearing Loss. 19th Pancyprian Congress of the Cyprus Operating Room Nurses Association. Ayia Napa, 5-6/4/2019
7. From mastoidectomy to petrosectomy. 1st Erlangen Interdisciplinary Course for Microscopic and Endoscopic Surgery of the Anterior and Lateral Skull Base. Erlangen. University Clinic of Erlangen, Germany, 20-22/02/2019
8. Otitis and otoscopy – What is necessary for the paediatrician. 20th Pancyprian Pediatric Conference. Nicosia, 19/11/2017
9. Eustachian tube dilation. Annual Conference of the Cyprus Society of Otolaryngology. Limassol, 28/10/2017
10. Cochlear Implant – Dealing with special situations. CochlearTM Cyprus Conference for Cochlear Implant users. Nicosia, 10/12/2016
11. BAHA Systems – Dealing with special situations. CochlearTM Cyprus Conference for BAHA users. Nicosia, 9/12/2016
12. The anatomy of the inner ear – Labyrinthectomy. 2nd Cologne International Skull Base Course. University Hospital of Cologne, Germany, 23-25/11/2016
- Anagiotos A. Surgical Implications for Cochlear Implantation in Cogan’s Syndrome – Special Features in the Tympanomastoid Compartment. 14th European Symposium on Pediatric Cochlear Implantation – 2019ESPCI. 16-19/10/2019, Bucharest, Romania
- A Anagiotos, V Vasileiadis, A Aspris. Cholesteatoma in Cyprus using the EAONO/JOS classification and staging system – first results. 5th Congress of European ORL-HNS, June 29 – July 3, 2019, Brussels, Belgium
- Kazantzi, G. Nakos, V. Scoutellas, A. Anagiotos. IgG4-related disease causing progressive nasal cartilage destruction. 5th Congress of European ORL-HNS, June 29 – July 3, 2019, Brussels, Belgium
- Anagiotos, M. Ioannou, V. Anastassiadou, R. Laszig. Cochlear implantation in Mucopolysaccharidosis type VI – what makes this case special? 15th International Conference on Cochlear Implants and Other Implantable Auditory Technologies, June 27-30 2018, Antwerp, Belgium
- Ktisi, A. Aspris, M. Hadjicosti, G. Petrikkos, A. Anagiotos. Necrotizing Otitis Externa due to Aspergillus Flavus Requiring Surgical Treatment. 16th International Meeting of The Mediterranean Society of Otology and Audiology (MSOA 2018), May 13-16, 2018, Jerusalem, Israel
- Anagiotos, S. Shabli, D. Schwarz, R. Lang-Roth. The significance of temporal bone computed tomography in postoperative cochlear implant complications. 16th International Meeting of The Mediterranean Society of Otology and Audiology (MSOA 2018), May 13-16, 2018, Jerusalem, Israel
- Anagiotos, A.-O. Gostian. Tympanoplasty using the anterior-superior pull through technique for anterior and subtotal defects of the tympanic membrane – First results of a prospective study. 89th Annual Conference of the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Lübeck, May 9-12, 2018
- Shabli, D. Schwarz, A. Anagiotos, R. Lang-Roth. The value of temporal bone computed tomography in postoperative cochlear implant complications management. 89th Annual Conference of the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Lübeck, May 9-12, 2018
- Shabli, D. Schwarz, A. Anagiotos, R. Lang-Roth. The value of temporal bone computed tomography in postoperative cochlear implant complications management. Annual Conference of the West German Association of Otorhinolaryngologists, Bonn, March 17, 2018
- Anagiotos A, Gostian A-O. Tympanoplasty using the anterior-superior pull through technique (ASPT) for closure of anterior and subtotal defects of the tympanic membrane – First results. 19th Panhellenic Congress of Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Athens, November 2-5, 2017
- Ktisti A, Aspris A, Kaourmas A, Petrikkos G, Anagiotos A. The impact of surgery in the treatment of necrotizing otitis externa – Presentation of two cases. 19th Panhellenic Congress of Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Athens, November 2-5, 2017
- Anagiotos A, Schwarz D, Gostian AO, Wolber P, Shabli S, Hüttenbrink KB. Dura involvement and reconstruction of the lateral cranial base in cholesteatoma surgery. 88th Annual Conference of the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Erfurt, May 24-27, 2017
- Anagiotos A, Gostian AO, Schwarz D, Lüers JC, Pazen D, Lang-Roth R, Klünter HD, Hamdan N, Nünning M, Mitropoulou P, Hüttenbrink KB, Beutner D. Looking beyond the electrical stimulation for hearing restoration in cochlear implantation: laboratory and clinical data. 4th International Multithematic Bio-Medical Congress (IMBMC), Nicosia, November 5, 2016
- Anagiotos A, Schwarz D, Shabli S, Gostian A.O., Hüttenbrink K.B. Dura involvement and lateral skull base reconstruction in cholesteatoma surgery: a retrospective study. Chole 2016, Edindurgh, UK, June 6, 2016
- Gostian A, Mandt Ph, Schwarz D, Pazen D, Anagiotos A, .Beutner D, Hüttenbrink K.-B. Evaluation of the Round-Window Soft Coupler in reverse stimulation of the cochlea on temporal bone model. 87th Annual Conference of the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Düsseldorf, May 4-7, 2015
- Shabli S, Schwarz D, Anagiotos A, Göbel H. Choristoma – a rare histological diagnosis after tonsillectomy. 87th Annual Conference of the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Düsseldorf, May 4-7, 2015
- Gostian A, Mandt Ph, Schwarz D, Pazen D, Anagiotos A, .Beutner D, Hüttenbrink K.-B. Evaluation of the Round-Window Soft Coupler in reverse stimulation of the cochlea on temporal bone model. 120th Conference of the West German Association of Otorhinolaryngologists, Hagen, March 12, 2016
- Schwarz D, Gostian A-O, Pazen D, Anagiotos A, Hüttenbrink K-B, Beutner D. Reconstruction of the lateral attic wall: Analysis of the acoustic properties on temporal bone model and evaluation of clinical and audiological data. 120th Conference of the West German Association of Otorhinolaryngologists, Hagen, March 12, 2016
- Lüers J-C, Anagiotos A, Beutner D, Hüttenbrink K-B. Cochlear implantation in „Underwater-Technique“. 120th Conference of the West German Association of Otorhinolaryngologists, Hagen, March 12, 2016
- Anagiotos A, Klünter H-D, Mitropoulou P, Lang-Roth R, Beutner D. The impact of conventional cochlear implantation on residual hearing and vestibular function in children and adult patients. 12th European Symposium on Peadiatric Cochlear Implantation, Toulouse, June 18-21, 2015
- Gostian A-O, Pazen D, Anagiotos A, Beutner D. First experimental experience with the round window soft coupler for stimulation of the cochlea at the round window. 86th Annual Conference of the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Berlin, May 16, 2015
- Grimminger C, Anagiotos A, Beutner D, Gostian A-O. Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the larynx: a case report. 86th Annual Conference of the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Berlin, May 16, 2015
- Anagiotos A, Klünter H-D, Mitropoulou P, Lang-Roth R, Beutner D. Influence of conventional cochlear implant on the residual hearing and the function of the horizontal semicircular canal. 86th Annual Conference of the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Berlin, May 16, 2015
- Anagiotos A, Schwarz D, Drebber U, Ortmann M, Gostian A-O. Cylindroma of the external ear canal – A case report. 119th Conference of the West German Association of Otorhinolaryngologists, Bielefeld, March 20, 2015
- Pazen D, Nünning M, Anagiotos A, Gostian A-O, Beutner D. The influence of intracochlear CI-electrode arrays in the middle ear transfer function. 41th Annual German Congress on Acoustics (DAGA), Nürnberg, March 19, 2015
- Anagiotos A, Hamdan N, Lang-Roth R, Hüttenbrink K-B, Beutner D. Younger age is a positive prognostic factor for residual hearing preservation in conventional cochlear implantation. 13th International Conference on Cochlear Implants and Other Implantable Auditory Technologies Congress. Munich, Germany, June 19, 2014
- Gostian A-O, Pazen D, Anagiotos A, Schwarz D, Beutner D. The effect of the pretension of the round window membrane in the coupling of the Vibrant Soundbridge. 85th Annual Conference of the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Dortmund, May 31, 2014
- Beutner D, Anagiotos A, Gostian A-O, Nünning M, Pazen D. The influence of intracochlear electrode arrays on the middle ear transfer function. 85th Annual Conference of the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Dortmund, May 31, 2014
- Lechner A, Anagiotos A, Markiefka B, Grosheva M, Beutner D. Metastatic pleomorphic adenoma – unusual presentation of a salivary gland tumor. 85th Annual Conference of the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Dortmund, May 31, 2014
- Pazen D, Lüers J-C, Anagiotos A, Gostian A-O, Beutner D. Influence of time variances of the human temporal bone preparation in the experimental ear research. 85th Annual Conference of the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Dortmund, May 31, 2014
- Kouamé J, Gostian A-O, Anagiotos A, Lüers J-C, Beutner D. Long-term results of the cartilage shoe technique and the titanium clip prosthesis in reconstruction of the ossicular chain. 85th Annual Conference of the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Dortmund, May 31, 2014
- Wolber P, Anagiotos A, Dorn F, Beutner D. The role of interventional angiography in bleeding after tonsillectomy. 85th Annual Conference of the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Dortmund, May 31, 2014
- Gekeler J, Gostian A-O, Lang-Roth R, Anagiotos A, Hüttenbrink K-B. Special risks in a “wet” radical cavity in cochlear implanted patients. 85th Annual Conference of the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Dortmund, May 31, 2014
- Anagiotos A, Beutner D, Hüttenbrink K-B. Electrode array insertion using the underwater technique as a gentle method of cochlear implantation. 85th Annual Conference of the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Dortmund, May 31, 2014
- Anagiotos A, Hamdan N, Lang-Roth R, Gostian A-O, Lüers JC, Hüttenbrink K-B, Beutner D. Young patient age is a positive prognostic factor for the preservation of residual hearing after conventional cochlear implantation. 19th Med-El Workshop, Kitzbühel-Austria, April 04, 2014
- Schwarz D, Anagiotos A, Hüttenbrink K-B, Beutner D. Injury of the anterior skull base with severe pneumocephalus after transnasal intubation – a case report. 118th Conference of the West German Association of Otorhinolaryngologists, Hagen, March 21, 2014
- Gostian A-O, Pazen D, Anagiotos A, Schwarz D, Lüers J-C, Hüttebrink K-B, Beutner D. The effect of the pretension of the round window membrane in the coupling of the Vibrant Soundbridge. 118th Conference of the West German Association of Otorhinolaryngologists, Hagen, March 21, 2014
- Gekeler J, Anagiotos A, Gostian A-O. Lymph metastatic meningioma – a rare differential diagnosis of cervical lymphadenopathy. 118th Conference of the West German Association of Otorhinolaryngologists, Hagen, March 21, 2014
- Anagiotos A, Godolias P, Preuss SF. Micro-anatomy of the pharyngo-esophageal junction and the Killian triangle – a histological analysis in 44 cadavers. 118th Conference of the West German Association of Otorhinolaryngologists, Hagen, March 21, 2014
- Lüers J-L, Anagiotos A, Hüttenbrink K-B, Preuss S. Tympanotomy with coverage of the round window membrane in 101 patients with severe acute hearing loss. 40th Annual German Congress on Acoustics (DAGA), Oldenburg, March 14, 2014
- Pazen D, Lüers J-C, Anagiotos A, Gostian A-O, Beutner D. Influence of time variances of the human temporal bone preparation to measurement uncertainties in the experimental ear research. 40th Annual German Congress on Acoustics (DAGA), Oldenburg, March 13, 2014
- Gostian A-O, Pazen D, Anagiotos A, Bremke M, Beutner D. Acoustic transfer function of the reconstructed lateral attic wall. 84th Annual Conference of the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Nürnberg, May 09, 2013
- Anagiotos A, Gostian A-O, Lichtenstein T, Henning TD, Guntinas-Lichius O, Hüttenbrink K-B, Preuss SF. The importance of wound closure in laser-assisted endoscopic diverticulotomy in Zenker’s diverticulum. 84th Annual Conference of the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Nürnberg, May 09, 2013
- Gostian A-O, Pazen D, Lüers J-C, Anagiotos A, Hüttebrink K-B, Beutner D. Impact of coupling of the Vibrant Soundbridge at the round window. 117th Conference of the West German Association of Otorhinolaryngologists, Düsseldorf, March 09, 2013
- Anagiotos A, Gostian A-O, Lichtenstein T, Henning TD, Guntinas-Lichius O, Hüttenbrink K-B, Preuss SF. Is the wound closure after endoscopic laser-assisted diverticulotomy in the treatment of Zenker diverticulum necessary? 117th Conference of the West German Association of Otorhinolaryngologists, Düsseldorf, March 09, 2013
- Meyer M, Anagiotos A, Preuss SF. Trauma induced emphysema as a rare differential diagnosis of eyelid swelling. 83th Annual Conference of the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Mainz, May 20, 2012
- Anagiotos A, Beutner D. The importance of intra-operative blood loss in the context of cochlear implantation in the first 18 months of life. 83th Annual Conference of the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Mainz, May 20, 2012
- Meyer M, Anagiotos A, Beutner D. Schwannoma in the posterior nasopharynx – a case report. 116th Conference of the West German Association of Otorhinolaryngologists, Krefeld, March 23, 2012
- Gekeler J, Anagiotos A, Goebel H, Beutner D. Diagnostic-therapeutic approach in extensive oral floor cyst. 116th Conference of the West German Association of Otorhinolaryngologists, Krefeld, March 23, 2012
- Gostian A-O, Anagiotos A, Preuss SF, Jumah MD. The cervical chordoma – a rare malignant tumor entity in the head and neck area. 116th Conference of the West German Association of Otorhinolaryngologists, Krefeld, March 23, 2012
- Anagiotos A, Beutner D. The role of blood loss during cochlear implantation in the first 18 months of life. 116th Conference of the West German Association of Otorhinolaryngologists, Krefeld, March 23, 2012
- Anagiotos A, Lang-Roth R, Hüttenbrink K-B, Beutner D. Decides the individual “vulnerability” of the inner ear for the preservation of hearing after cochlear implantation? 82nd Annual Conference of the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Freiburg, Juni 5, 2011
- Anagiotos A, Gekeler J, Luers JC, Lang-Roth R, Beutner D. Is the suture fixation of cochlear implants in pediatric patients really necessary? 10th European Symposium on Peadiatric Cochlear Implantation, Athens, May 14, 2011
- Anagiotos A, Simon T, Preuss S. Bilateral mastoiditis as the first manifestation of a Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis. 115th Conference of the West German Association of Otorhinolaryngologists, Recklinghausen, March 26, 2011
- Anagiotos A. Pain and dysphagia in ENT diseases. 10th Symposium of the interdisciplinary working group for dysphagia at the University Hospital of Cologne, Cologne, November 17, 2010
- Anagiotos A, Koebke J. Macroscopic analysis of the thyreoglossal duct with particular reference to its topographic relationship with the hyoid bone. 81st Annual Conference of the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Wiesbaden, May 13, 2010
- Anagiotos A, Fischer E, Volk AE, Beutner D, Lang-Roth R. Autosomal dominant, progressive running Auditory synaptopathy / neuropathy. 114th Conference of the West German Association of Otorhinolaryngologists, Bochum, March 20, 2010
- Anagiotos A, Koebke J. Anthropometric and morphometric analysis of the Killian’s triangle and its importance for the development of Zenker’s diverticulum . 80th Annual Conference of the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Rostock, May 22, 2009
- Anagiotos A, Hüttenbrink K-B, Koebke J. The narrowed, rigid cricipharyngeal muscle as a cause of dysphagia in the elderly – An anatomical study. 113th Conference of the West German Association of Otorhinolaryngologists, Minden, March 21, 2009